From concept to implementation - to make your presentation a success.

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Rooms with character - so that your event becomes an experience.

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Mobile and flexible, anywhere on site - so you can impress live.

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Bei uns sind Theorie und Praxis perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt. Denn wir entwickeln nicht nur kreative und außergewöhnliche Ideen und Konzepte, sondern geben ihnen auch gleichzeitig eine Form - mit einem eingespielten Team aus Planern, Marketingexperten, Technikern und Handwerkern.

Das Ergebnis: Ihr Messeauftritt wird ein voller Erfolg.

Attention on the go!

With our showbox, we make your brand mobile for a promotional or information event. Advise and inspire your customers with individual design and innovative technology - including live broadcasts, stage elements or complete lighting and illumination of the site if you wish.  Solutions that meet the highest standards in special vehicle construction.

For more than 10 years, we have been meeting the highest demands with our showbox and realizing extraordinary roadshows.

  • Traverse icon
    Ready to go in 30 minutes
  • Lichttechnik icon
    Live broadcasts
  • Branding icon
    Individual branding
Showbox Truck

The Showbox in action

Full attention ahead. Let us inspire you.

A perfect appearance!

With us, theory and practice are perfectly coordinated. We not only develop creative and unusual ideas and concepts, but also give them shape - with a well-coordinated team of planners, marketing experts, technicians and craftsmen.

The result: your trade fair appearance will be a complete success.
Show icon
Planning and organization of show elements
Drehbuch icon
Konzeption und Produktion von Conception and production of visual and audio media
Messebau icon
Exhibition stand construction System stands or carpentry timber construction from 50 to 3,000 square meters
Drehbuch icon
Creating scripts for specialist moderations
Planung icon
Design, planning, implementation logistics, assembly, storage of your exhibition stand
Lichttechnik Icon
State-of-the-art sound, lighting and media technology
Ideen icon
Idea scribbles and impressive computer animations
Traverse icon
Truss systems Eurotruss

Experiences that inspire!

We create event spaces with an unmistakable character for you. So that your event attracts attention. So that your marketing goals are brought to the point. This includes both classic solutions and “below the line” solutions.

Wir schaffen für Sie Veranstaltungsräume mit unverwechselbarem Charakter. Damit Ihre Veranstaltung Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Damit Ihre Marketingziele auf den Punkt gebracht werden. Dazu gehören sowohl klassische Lösungen als auch „below the line“-Lösungen.

As an event partner and stand builder with our show trucks, we specialize in the success of your event. Take advantage of your opportunities with our product presentations, brand stagings, shows and roadshows, PR measures and extraordinary events.
At AT Promotion Engineers, we guide you through every step of your event planning.
Daten icon
General data of the event
Budget icon
Budget volume
Zielgruppe icon
Target groups and people involved
Kommunikationsziele icon
Communication goals
Betreuung icon
Support and documentation after the event
Bestandteile icon
Event components
Timing icon

Contact us

Use our non-binding contact form or give us a call!




AT Promotion Mini Showbox

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Overview of services

All service areas at a glance

Our services, your success: We sound out your individual needs, talk about your wishes and develop perfect complete solutions.

About us

We turn your brand into an experience!

Our simple formula for success for you: design and craftsmanship from a single source!

AT Promotion gives your brand presence visibility and authenticity in line with your corporate goals.

With complete solutions that inspire and convince your customers. With creative minds and experienced specialists from conception to implementation and on-site support. With full commitment and state-of-the-art technology.

The moment is perfect. Use it for maximum attention.
Wir sind We are conceptionists and “craftsmen” at the same time!


Philipp Hertell


In the heart of Lower Saxony.

© 2024 AT Promotion Engineers
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